I’ve gotten a few requests asking me to explain how I do my makeup for my Donna Noble costumes, so I figured I’d make a post to direct people to.
First and foremost I need to issue a disclaimer: I am NO makeup expert. Like for real ya’ll. Seriously. I have no idea what I’m doing.
Ok, so now that that’s out of the way, here were my references for her makeup that I used.

(I think these caps came from the medusa cascade, but I can’t double check it because the site won’t come up at the moment. If that’s right or you know where they came from, please let me know.)
Ok, so anyway. I always start out with my basic makeup routine first; foundation, powder, etc.
For my eyes, I decided to use a purple eyeshadow set, similar to this:

I’ve got hooded eyelids, so I generally just use the basic colour over my eyelid, and use a little bit of darker shade in the outside corner. If I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll do the lighter shade along my bottom lid.
(Basically, if I’m wearing Donna all day, I usually do it. If I’m wearing something else after it, I don’t.)
I always wear eyeliner in costume, but on Donna I’ll generally pull it back a bit. I use a pencil liner, and I do the upper eyelid, thicker on the outside end and very thin towards the middle. I do a very thin line on the bottom, just at the edge, mostly.

I have really thin eyelashes, so generally in costume I wear fake eyelashes. I usually use these, they are smaller and more natural looking than some others. And then I use a little black mascara on my lower lashes.
For my blush, I just use a generic pink that I like with my skintone. For Donna, I put it on a liittle bit thicker than I normally would, and I angle it just under my cheekbones and towards the corners of my mouth, to create the look of higher cheekbones.

Lastly, for my lipstick, I start out using a basic pink lipliner. I overshoot the cupid’s bow part of my upper lip, and undershoot moving out towards the corners of my mouth. I slightly go past the corner of my mouth (just a little bit), to help my mouth look a tad wider than it really is.

Then, basic natural pink lipstick on top, and I’m done!